
Agriculture, a key sector of the Romanian economy

With its vast fertile plains and some of the most extensive arable land in Europe, Romania boasts significant agricultural assets. Around 60% of the territory is dedicated to agriculture. This sector accounts for nearly 6% of the country’s GDP and employs close to 30% of the active population.

Romania is a major exporter of cereals, ranking among the top European producers for corn, wheat and barley. Its other major crop productions include sunflower, sugar beet, potatoes and fruits.

Livestock farming is also well developed, especially cattle, pigs and sheep. Romania is the 4th largest European producer of honey. Its agri-food industries are dynamic, with leaders in the sectors of meat, dairy, brewing and soft drinks.

Since joining the EU in 2007, Romania has benefited from substantial structural funds which have helped modernize its farms. Yields have thus increased, although they remain below the European average. Efforts in land consolidation and irrigation are still needed.

The government is betting on agriculture as an engine of growth and exports. Romania offers many opportunities for foreign investors looking to establish themselves in agribusiness: available land at competitive prices, skilled labor, proximity to European markets, etc.

With a dynamic agricultural sector and strong development potential, Romania has serious assets to become one of Europe’s breadbaskets. Modern, sustainable and export-oriented agriculture will greatly contribute to the country’s prosperity.


Setting up an agribusiness in Romania: what are the steps?

With its vast arable land and clear agricultural assets, Romania offers attractive opportunities for entrepreneurs looking to get into agribusiness. But what steps must be followed?

For a European citizen

Thanks to Romania’s membership in the European Union, a European citizen benefits from advantageous conditions to establish themselves as a farmer.

  • They must first create an agricultural company in Romania, following the same incorporation steps as a regular business.
  • Purchase of agricultural land is facilitated. Since 2014, there are no more restrictions for Europeans wishing to buy land.
  • Access to EU CAP subsidies is also guaranteed, subject to compliance with regulations. Registration as an active farmer is required.
  • Marketing agricultural products throughout Europe is possible without customs duties.

For a non-European investor

Foreign investors from outside the EU must meet certain additional conditions:

  • Creating a company requires the presence of a Romanian resident partner or manager.
  • Purchase of land is only authorized within certain limits and subject to prior registration as a resident.
  • Access to CAP subsidies is not guaranteed.
  • Exports outside the EU may be subject to customs duties.

In all cases, it is recommended to be assisted by local legal and agricultural advisors, and to thoroughly study the market before launching. With hard work, the Romanian land will bear fruit!

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